Sunday, July 17, 2011

Our Hope of Glory Realized

I. God’s incredible plan:

A. Was for God to come to earth so people could see and experience what He was like.

B. He could not do this spiritually, but physically – as a man among men and actually live among human beings as one of them.

C. He started this process with Abraham, when He told him, “I am going to bless you, and make you a blessing, and through your seed all the families of the earth are going to be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

D. Ultimately over time (as shown in the Old Testament), God was to come to one Person (know as the Messiah, The Anointed One), Who would be the Seed through Whom all the families of earth could be blessed.

E. Finally, Mary of Nazareth was chosen; she consented; and God’s Spirit touched her body, and Jesus was conceived through the Virgin Birth “in the fullness of time” when everything was ready (Hebrews 10:5).

F. Thus, the fetus of Jesus was both literally and physically God and man.

G. Mary’s child was going to be both fully God and fully human – the Incarnation – the Rescuer of man out of darkness (John 1:5).

H. Jesus thus had a spirit, soul, and body as we do, but His Spirit was always in fellowship with God from within and from the time of His birth.

I. Only later, when He was thirty was He baptized in the Holy Spirit by which the power could be released from within (Luke 3:22; 4:1, et al.), and He could go about “doing good” (Acts 10:38).

J. Satan, the governor of this world since the Fall, stuck back of course, stirring up trouble against Jesus and finally having Him killed as a rabble-rouser.

K. Jesus allowed this and went to His death as the “Lamb of God” like a scapegoat for our sin, even experiencing the hell of separation from God and “lead captivity captive” back to the Father’s House (cf.: 1 Peter 3:19 & amp; Ephesians 4:8).

L. When Jesus let Himself be killed by the dark powers infesting the world, He canceled every claim Satan had against the human race because of the terrible things they had done, and yet would do.  Thus was invoked the principle of “innocent blood shed” covering man as was Adam and Eve in the beginning (Genesis

M. All of this was part of the plan of the Father (cf.: Genesis 3:15) as Jesus completely identified Himself with us – spirit, soul and body, thus paying our debt, else God would not be just.

N. Lastly, as a result, Satan defeated himself by bringing about Jesus’ death; but through that, the guilt of mankind from the beginning to the end of human history was cancelled for those who would receive Him.  For by His coming God would provide reconciliation with and redemption for His rebellious children.

II. The Hope Realized:

A. The first great work of the Spirit, of course, was sins forgiven, but there was more:

B. Jesus’ death on the cross made atonement (at-one-ment) possible and comes about after we confess our sins, are forgiven, and united with God.

C. After Jesus’ resurrection He was then qualified to cancel any claims Satan had against us and our sins and to open the way for us to come back into direct personal relationship with God.

D. This new kind of relationship Paul calls: “Christ in you, the hope of Glory” (Colossians 1: 27).

E. Prior to the Resurrection the Holy Spirit could only temporarily fill people from body to soul to spirit, as in the case of Elijah, Elisha, the seventy elders under Moses, King Saul, and others (as in the case of His disciples [cf.: Luke 10:1-20, et al.] before His death); but these “fillings” were only temporary.

F. With the woman at the well Jesus told her that “That the water [Holy Spirit] that I shall give shall be in you a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).

G. Afterwards while speaking to the crowds, He amplified this by saying that “whoever believes in Me ... Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water [the Spirit] that they were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:38-39).

H. Later and before the Resurrection, to His disciples He gave them a preview of how the Spirit was to come in a new way permanently: “I will give you another Helper just like Me, Who will remain with you forever: the Spirit of truth, Whom the world cannot receive because it doesn’t see Him or know, Him, but you know Him, for He is staying with you now, and will be in you” (John 14:16,17).

I. After Jesus rose from the dead and had His glorified body, He appeared to His friends, reassured them He was not a ghost, and ate supper with them.  At that point the barrier of sin had been cleared away by His death, and Satan was now defeated by His resurrection, so now there was nothing to prevent Jesus from giving the Holy Spirit to His friends in this new and permanent way.

J. Further, God had closed the door to the human spirit so it could not be opened to the fallen spiritual world of the defeated Satan that formerly had surrounded it, that is, the psychic world; but now Jesus has come as the glorified Savior, and now God can allow people to open the door to their spirits to Jesus, the Door (John 10:9).  The darkness of the enemy can no longer come in, but now the Holy Spirit can: “Behold,” says Jesus, “I stand at the door and knock” (Revelation 3: 20).

K. The human will is still in the picture of the believer.  As such, we may open the door and invite Him in.

L. When we do, we are “born again/born from above, saved, redeemed, and have eternal life (never runs down or out) living within because the Holy Spirit is now linked to our spirit located in our “heart”.
This process is made possible because mankind originally (Genesis 1:26-27) was made up in the likeness or image of God in two ways:

     1. Our spirits are made of the same substance as God who is Spirit.

     2. We are made also like Him in character as Christ-like people having His spiritual nature.

M. Two things result from this new, permanent relationship: first, He makes our spirits alive to God so we can respond to Him; and second, His character begins to be reestablished in us as originally intended, as Paul terms it this way: we “put on the new man, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator” (Colossians 3:10).  In the Greek, the word for “image” means pattern and moral and spiritual likeness.

N.  When this response occurs, His character or nature will now be able to be seen
in you out of the reservoir of His Life within you.
Another description of His character is the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23).

O. Without this “recreated spirit” within us, God could not live in you; thus, every time you would sin, the Holy Spirit would have to leave because He will not dwell where sin is.  You would have to be born of the Spirit over and over again.

P.   Fortunately, our spirits do not sin since we have been born of incorruptible life; even when our souls sin, however, God remains in that holy place within (cf.: 1 John 3:8,9; 1 Peter 1:23, 3:4; 2 Peter 1:4; Hebrews 12:23b; Psalm 32:2).

Q.  The place of this union of the Holy Spirit and your spirit is the “most Holy
Place” like a type of the Jewish Tabernacle or Temple.  It is the secret dwelling place of God, a place of:

  •  rest
  •  receiving God’s wisdom and truth
  •  communication whereby we exchange our thoughts, needs, cares, and concerns
  •  direction and guidance
  •  ageless and eternal life that never expires
  •  quickening whereby you may speak life to others, and
  •  strength

R.  Paul tells us that this is the “mystery” hidden throughout the ages, but now
revealed to us as:      

The Anointed One (Christ) in you, the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27) – Hope for us, for the world, and for the future.

Note: much of the above outline was inspired from Dennis and Rita Bennett’s, Trinity of Man, chapters 10 & amplified; 11, Logos International, 1979.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Kingdom of Noise: A Screwtape Letter for the Media Age

In 1942, British scholar and author C.S. Lewis wrote The Screwtape Letters, an ironic book of letters between a senior devil (Screwtape) and his undisciplined pupil (Wormwood) on the techniques and tactics for pestering the Enemy (God) and beguiling his followers.

My Dear Despicable Wormwood,

You magnificent wretch. I am delighted to hear of your progress. Only a year ago you quieted the pandemonium among the rank-and-vile with your preposterous claim that a fiery car crash would bring about the glorious ruin of your assignment. You should take heed not to embarrass your old uncle again!

Now, thank Hell, you have come to see that a traffic jam or a missing pair of socks or a slow woman in the checkout line are far more effective. Your assignment's true colors, crimson and gray, are beginning to show - but be patient, his rejection of the Enemy may take a while. Next, try spoiling his milk or placing a squirrel in his attic.

Good news! The latest commendations have arrived from the Council of the Pit. You impress the lower-downs, my zealous Wormwood. They have heard of your schemes on the Noise Proliferation Committee (NPC). Indeed, places of solitude and moments of silence grow ever more scarce in the Enemy's vast and vulgar dominion. Oh, what euphoria to see his insufferable creatures rush to fill the dead air with a cacophony of cell phones and muzac, leaf blowers and manipulated car exhaust pipes, 24-hour news and I-Pods. Those nauseating humans cannot escape their self-made dungeon of din!

My pride bubbles like brimstone, Wormwood.

It is down-wrong delicious that you are able to entice your assignments into believing that quiet and solitude are a waste of time, even harmful to their pursuits. We must be the demon in the whirlwind, invading their private space, cluttering their innermost being with commotion.

Make them feel empty without a Blackberry on their hip or a television blaring in the background. Tune their alarm clock to a raucous station with bombastic DJs. Call their cell phone on their way to work or during a meal. Put TV screens in banks and hotel lobbies, gas stations and airplanes - anywhere humans might have time to reflect. Offer deals to Walt Disney World and casinos, and make a weekend in the Catskills appear unexciting or at least unaffordable.

Over time the humans will grow unaware of the high-pitched ringing in their ears.

But oh, how dreadful it is if they do notice and, worse yet, begin to reject the delightful opiates we offer. An hour’s walk or an evening alone can be hazardous. Even a drive with a broken radio carries risk. Peace and quietude, after all, are the Enemy's handiwork. He waits patiently for them in the stillness, whispering for them to rest or ponder or, dare I say that repulsive word, meditate.

I trust you understand what is at stake. If allowed to contemplate the empty pursuits and hollow activity that often fill their days, there is no telling what horrific changes they may make in their lives. As long as the volume is high and the lights are flashing, there is little danger of this. But when allowed to face things as they really are, stripped of the comfort provided by our dizzying distractions, our subjects often choose against our ways.

This kind of activity, or rather inactivity, is a breeding ground for all manner of destructive outcomes. Rest gives them refreshed bodies and clear minds. Clarity draws them to that which we most hate: truth. In such moments their vision grows strong and purpose is rekindled. For Hell’s sake, do not let this happen!

Some devils say it is of lesser importance, but I would advise you to keep all thoughts of old friendships, childhood dreams, or yearnings for simple delights - drinking a glass of port or kneeling in a garden - far from them. These are the noxious things of the kingdom of peace; we are the kingdom of noise.

You say that the NPC has decided to abandon all plans for Sunday mornings. You ignorant little demon, leave that time to me. Your youthful vigor is no match to my years of vice. Pridefully speaking, I alone know the secret to penetrating that miserable stronghold of the Enemy: the church. Alas, it is not nearly as difficult as one may think.

Their sanctuaries of silence are perfect playgrounds for devious distractions. Did you notice your assignment wriggling impatiently during the confession last week, or his glare at the woman's hellacious hacking and throat-clearing? Or maybe the squeaky floor to complement the squeaky voice in the choir loft? It is more than luck of the draw that our assignments find silence intolerable when surrounded by noise, and noise intolerable when surrounded by silence! I almost feel sorry for these tortured little beings.

So hurry! Cue the fire engine, the beeping pager, the woman calling for a cab. Cause the head to turn, the eyes to wander, and the mind to work overtime. Even in times of silence, cause their minds to fill and spin like a tornado. If necessary, you may even need to bring forward some of the Enemy’s tools to achieve our ends. Use a good cause to keep the schedule jam-packed. Beautiful music, grating as it is to our ears, chases the silence away same as any other sound. Given the stakes, you must do whatever it takes to keep quietude at bay.

Remember, do not grow weary in doing bad. I await your next report from your travels to Las Vegas.

Your affectionate uncle,

By Erik Lokkesmoe